I talk about Digital Identity, DIDs, Reputation, and Attestations.
It’s fairly rudimentary as it was written the first time I was looking into all of this stuff so it’s good for someone just getting started with digital identity.
This is a really great post, and there are some really interesting projects listed that I didn’t’ know about that. I also completely agree with your sentiment on on-chain reputation:
This is why Onchain Reputation, like every other public good primarily, needs to be built from the philosophy of building composable data primitives that developers can use to build their own systems the way they see fit."
^ couldn’t agree more!
I’m not sure I totally agree with your view on weighted voting. I think weighted voted based on merit has it’s place, but at a certain level we have to evolve past a meritocracy and acknowledge that in most cases, the people that have contributed the most have had the privilege to be able to contribute the most, and luck has a lot to do with it. I guess that’s more of a philosophical argument though.
Just found out you posted Bankless EAS podcast in the article hehe meanwhile I did a seperate topic about that.
With that being said. Interesting to hear thoughts about how to bridge the gap between on-chain and off-chain reputation in real time and/or how necessary it is?
Before I say anything I want to preface it with - we are so early that we are discussing potential implementations for non-existing real-world needs at the moment. Just like it was the case with the internet 30 years ago (no one needed it per se), it’s like that with blockchain technology and understanding the inherent values it brings. To that extent, the same goes for digital identity 2.0. The answer is - it will require time, and with time comes more products and education, with education comes better decision-making, and with better decision making blockchain adoption increases (and not only for financial gain).
So to answer your question - I don’t know. I can only guess.
Different people have different definitions for what Digital Identity is. EAS guys call Digital Identity an aggregate of all of your attestations in life. Which is kinda true. How necessary it is to have them onchain or offchain, meh. As long as they are private and secured by your private key, I don’t mind if they are stored offchain.
I can only try to predict what will happen and where it will matter the most and my guess is, much like what’s happening with BTC and ETH and the ‘financial’ aspect of our industry, we in digital identity will also build systems resembling those that already exist. And just like with everything else, we’ll have a multi-decade transitioning period with some digital identity 2.5 solutions until we fully switch to these new and better ones fully onchain (if ever).
I just gave you my unfiltered train of thought. Sorry if I didn’t answer your question precisely. I just found it interesting that this is where my thoughts went when I read your comment.
I am so late to the party - just went on Atlas again since some time and saw this. @cap, ty for the article - I actually like the 1-person 1.65-vote thought experiment. You are very right - but it is a philosophical debate (whatever that means) to rethink a voting schema. We can’t really to that in government elections I’m afraid but we do have the power to implement such things into internet voting schemes (inside DAOs).
Anyhow, wanted to share an article as well, not written by anyone I know personally but I found this piece very useful for preparing talks on digital ID: medium link
Thanks the kind words. And thanks for sharing. I’m actually preparing a talk on ENS and Web3 identity for the ENS event I’m hosting and I’ll save this article to read it. If you’re in Belgrade on June 2, swing by. More details: ENS x Chainlink Meetup | 🇷🇸 ETH Belgrade · Luma